Value Ladder

An experiential examination of traditional, complementary and alternative healing to broaden your perspective on holistic health.

If you're looking to integrate Holistic Health

into your life and practice,

you're in the right place.

Curate and Upgrade is the process of experiential experimentation to help healthcare professionals adopt a holistic approach to the care of themselves and their patients.

I believe that an open-minded, inclusive approach to healing is required to foster wellness in our collective community. Learn to view your own health in holistic terms and start taking care of yourself in all dimensions so you can better take care of others.

If you're looking to integrate Holistic Health

into your life and practice,

you're in the right place.

Curate and Upgrade is the process of experiential experimentation to help healthcare professionals adopt a holistic approach to the care of themselves and their patients.

I believe that an open-minded, inclusive approach to healing is required to foster wellness in our collective community. Learn to view your own health in holistic terms and start taking care of yourself in all dimensions so you can better take care of others.

The Holistic Human Experience

The human experience can be divided into three separate categories. The interplay of these parts of our whole create our living and lived experience. As you begin to bridge the connections between these parts of you and find integration, you can begin to expand your perspective to understand others on a human level.

When you do the self work, you will continually integrate and find alignment to reveal your authentic self.

The Holistic Human Experience

The human experience can be divided into three separate categories. The interplay of these parts of our whole create our living and lived experience. As you begin to bridge the connections between these parts of you and find integration, you can begin to expand your perspective to understand others on a human level.

When you do the self work, you will continually integrate and find alignment to reveal your authentic self.

Enneagram Type 9, ENFP, 5/1 Splenic Projector, Aikidoka, Pharmacist, Hypnotist

Hey, I'm Jon

I am a skeptical believer, optimistic mentor, and open-minded integrator. Driven by the excitement of realization and motivated by understanding the eternal, I identify gaps in knowledge and find light in the darkness. I will bring people together to help them see, through multiple perspectives, what already exists and reveal their inner potential so that they can experience the unity, harmony and interconnectedness of all things.


One of the best ways to kick-start your personal growth is to experience the change potential that you have within you. An Experiential Session reveals to you your innate ability to make significant change with hypnosis. You'll leave with a new found understanding of how you can utilize the process of hypnosis to access your own unconscious resources and find peace and flow in your life.


Expand your experiential awareness and embark on a journey of new perspectives, thoughts, and approaches. Discover connection between new and old ideas!


Expand your experiential awareness and embark on a journey of new perspectives, thoughts, and approaches. Discover connection between new and old ideas!

Help yourself so you can help others

Some Waypoints on my Journey

This is a short list of my favourite tools for self discovery. Seeing yourself clearly can be difficult. I'm sharing three of the top tools that I found helpful in looking at myself more clearly.

  • Human Design: Discovery Your Energetic Blueprint

  • Hypnosis: The Ultimate Awareness Framework

Be The Sunshine During Dark Days.

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A colourful abstract depiction of the human mind

The Human Mind: An Introduction to a Practical Model

January 02, 20232 min read

Every day, we take actions that affect the world around us and these actions originate with thoughts and decisions that start in our minds. Fully understanding the mind can seem like a complicated undertaking, but to know how the mind works in a practical way that can enhance your day-to-day life can be rather simple. I will present to you a simple model that we will explore in depth in this series on the human mind.

The human mind can be divided into two parts, the conscious and the unconscious mind. The conscious mind is what we are aware of in any given moment. It is the part of the mind that is aware of our thoughts and perceptions, making sense of what we perceive. It is responsible for where we choose to focus our attention, and can be used to direct our intention.

The unconscious mind is everything outside of our conscious awareness. It is where our memories are stored and our emotions originate. Many of our driving forces in our daily life originate from the unconscious mind. It is a powerful force that can drive our actions and behaviours.

While some people may believe that the conscious mind is the strongest part of the mind, the reality is that the unconscious mind is much more powerful. The unconscious mind is responsible for processing all input that we receive, and generating the output of our physical bodies and minds. The unconscious is drives the automatic processes, such as breathing, digestion, heart function, and posture. In addition, it is constantly deleting and distorting sensory input to make sense of it.

Even though the unconscious mind has all the processing power, the conscious mind has an important role. By directing our attention, the conscious mind can produce the filters that direct the unconscious processing power to our own advantage. Understanding this interdependent relationship is key to personal growth and discovery.

When you have been stuck on a problem, often times thinking consciously about the problem limits your solutions because of the limited power of the conscious mind. When you are able to identify the problem and hand over processing to the unconscious mind, the solution will come easier. This is the reason that often taking a break from your work will give you the space to find the proper next steps.

At this point, it is important to understand that everything I will present in this series is simply a model – a representation of reality that may be useful to you. The test of a model is it’s usefulness, so take time to reflect on how this model can apply to your life.

In the rest of this series, I will break down the conscious and unconscious mind and by the end of this set of articles, you will have a model of the mind that you can apply to find balance and harmony for better mental health.

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Jon Nhan

Jon is an optimistic mentor who helps others learn and grow by illuminating multiple perspectives, integrating science and magic. He is a passionate learner, driven to find interconnectedness and overcome limiting beliefs. Jon creates environments that foster growth and opportunity for everyone by supporting the individual and elevating the system they find themselves in.

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A Selected History...

...of my self-discovery, self-care, and healing journey.


Online Magic Contest Runner Up


Aikido Shodan


Registered Pharmacist


Certified Diabetes Educator


Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fasting


Certified Hypnotist

Other ways to grow...

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